Saturday 7 March 2015


        Time allowed: Three Hours     Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory and THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question form each Section.

1.       Write short notes on any four of the following. each not exceeding 150 words:

(a)    Acid rain
(b)   Slow-release N- fertilizers
(c)    Herbicide safeners
(d)   Opportunity cost
(e)   Vermicompost

2.          (a) Enlist the qualities of a good seed. What happens when inferior quality seed is for sowing of a field crop?
      (b)    Suggest the ideal conditions which should be met while sowing of seeds in the field.

3.       Give a brief account of point and non- point sources of air pollutants. Enumerate the major effects of air pollutants on vegetation. Against each of the effects, name an air pollutant which is responsible.

4.       (a) What are the features of a good cropping system?
     (b)    Suggest procedures for assessing suitability of different multiple cropping systems.


5.       Differentiate between the following pairs in not more than 150 words each. Attempt any four:
(a)    Soil pH and Soil Eh
(b)   Chemigation and Fertigation
(c)    Diversified farming and Mixed farming
(d)   Weathering and Withering processes

6.       What are the causes of infertility of acid lateritic soils? Suggest measures for reclamation and management of such soils, and enumerate the advantages of such measures.

7.       What is the role of water in plants? Give a brief account of the plant, soil and climatic criteria for scheduling irrigation.

8.       What are the objectives of farm management? Suggest measure to reverse the trend of population migration from rural to urban areas in India.

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