Friday 13 March 2015


Time allowed: Three Hours                        Maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the following questions selecting at least ONE question from each section.

4.       Answer any FOUR of the following/ The answer should not exceed 150 words in each case:-

(a)    Mention the important work done by the following botanists:-
(i)                  Prof. S.R. Kashyab
(ii)                Prof. F. E. Fritsch
(iii)               Prof. P. Maheshwari
(iv)              Prof. Birbal Sahni
(b)   Give F.F. and F. D. of the following families:-
(i)                  Euphorbiaceae
(ii)                Asteraceae (Compositae)
(iii)               Liliaceae
(iv)              Rubiaceae

(c)     write short notes on:-
(i)                  Preservation of plant specimens
(ii)                Functions of endosperm.
(iii)               Experimental induction of polymbryony.
(iv)              Causes and significance of apomixes.

(d)   Draw labeled diagrams of the following:-
(i)                  L.S. pinus female cone.
(ii)                Stem anatomy of Gnetum.
(iii)               T.S. normal root of Cycas.
(iv)              T.S. young root of Ginkgo biloba.

(e)   Answer the following:
(i)                  Draw a neat labeled diagrams of a typical organized embryo sac.
(ii)                T.S. of Ephedra leaf.
(iii)               Application of protoplast culture.
(iv)              Economic importance of plants belonging to family Umbelliferae.

5.       Describe the type of anomalous secondary growth found in the stems of the following (Draw neat labeled diagrams):
(i)                  Aristolochia
(ii)                Bignonia
(iii)               Boerhaavia
(iv)              Dracaena

6.       Answer the following:

(i)                  Discuss the scope of palynology.
(ii)                Explain Tunica-corpus theory relating to structural development and differentiation of shoot apex.
(iii)               Draw a diagram of T.S. of leaf of Typho.
(iv)              Write an account of drug yielding plants.

7.       (a) Describe the principles governing the contraction of mechanical system in plants.

(c)    Give the botanical name, family and plant parts used in the following:
(i)                  Henna
(ii)                Penicillin
(iii)               Ginger
(iv)              Chestnut
(v)                Indian bow string hemp
(vi)              Camphor
(vii)             Clove oil
(viii)           Sassa fras
(ix)              Mulberry
(x)                Date palm.

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