Saturday 7 March 2015


                 Time Allowed:   three Hours          maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each Section.

1.       In about 150 words each, answer any Four of the following:
(a)    Define current structures. How various current structures are formed?
(b)   Discuss Dunham’s classification of carbonates.
(c)    Bowen’s reaction series.
(d)   Metamorphism of politic sediments
(e)   Becke’s effect and Birefringence

2.       Write brief notes on:
(a)    Covalent bond
(b)   4/m 2/m  2/m
(c)    Pseudo-m orphism
(d)   Olivine series

3.       Write notes on:-
(a)    Binary magma crystallization
(b)   Criteria used for igneous rock classification
(c)    Metamorphic textures
(d)   Regional metamorphism of basic igneous rocks

4.       Discuss in detail about gondwana basin of India, with special reference to the depositional environments and their economic importance.


5.       Attempt any FOUR, answering in about 150 words each:

(a)    Phase Rule
(b)   Khetri copper deposits
(c)    Principles of Gravity method of exploration
(d)   froth floatation
(e)   Endogenetic processes as environmental hazards

6.       Write short notes on:-
(a)    Weathering processes of mineral formation
(b)   Controls of mineralization
(c)    Lignite deposits of India
(d)   National mineral policy

7.       Write a detailed account on the various methods used in underground mining, with special reference to coal. 

8.       Write brief notes:-
(a)    Coordination principle
(b)   Composition of Mantle and its various layers
(c)    Industrialization and water pollution
(d)   Environmental consequences of urbanization

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