Monday 30 March 2015

Botany – 2006 Paper- I SECTION A

Time allowed : Three hours     Maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt Question no 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question form each section.


1.       Answer any four of the following (answer shout  not exceed 150 words in each case):
(a)    Write short notes on the following:
(i)                  F-factor
(ii)                Dolipore
(iii)               Pseudoelaters of Anthoceros – the structure and function
(iv)              Peristomial teeth of Funaria

(b)   With the help of diagrams differentiate between the following:
(i)                  Carinal canals and vallecular canals
(ii)                Homoimerous and heteromerous thallli in lichens
(iii)               Plectostele and dictyostele
(iv)              Structure of Oscillatorial and Nostoc

(c)    answer the following

(i)                  How are the young sporogonia of marchantia protected?
(ii)                Present diagrammatic depictions of different  life cycle patterns in Saccharomyces 2pp. What is the trend exhibited?
(iii)               What makes the bacterial spores highly resistant?
(iv)              Critically examine some authors’ concept that the rhizophore can be considered as morphologically a root.
(d)   Write short notes on:
(i)                  Plurilocular  sporangia of Ectocarpus
(ii)                Conceptacles of Fucus
(iii)               Spores of Lycopodium in comparison with those  of selaginella
(iv)              Saprophyte of Riccia at maturity

(e)   Provide brief notes on:
(i)                  Lysozyme
(ii)                Viroids
(iii)               Oogamy
(iv)              Synangum of psilotum

2.       (a) With the help of labeled diagrams only depict the major stages and events in the life cycle of Funnaris.
(b)   Giving suitable examples, highlight the economic importance of marine algae

3.       (a) Give an account of the causal organism, symptoms and control of red rot of sugarcane.
                        (b) Enumerate the benefits of bacteria.

4.       Draw neat labeled diagrams of the following:
(i)                  Stages in sexual reproduction of Penicillium
(ii)                T.S. of rhizome of pteridium
(iii)               Life cycle of Puccinia graminis
(iv)              Life cycle of polysiphonia

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