Saturday 21 March 2015


 Time allowed: Three Hours     Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 2 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the following questions selecting at least ONE questions from each section.


1.       Answer any FOUR of the following each not exceeding 150 words:

(a)    A tractor weighing 1600 kg is climbing up a slope of 10.05 per cent with a drawbar pull of 274.1 kg parallel to the slope. The travel speed along the slope is 3 kmph and the coefficient of rolling resistance is one per cent. Determine the power required for moving up of the tractor.
(b)   A cultivator’s ahs a draft of 270 kg and operating speed of 5 kilometers per hour. Total width of the cultivators is 180 cm and its field efficiency is 80 per cent. Calculate the following :

(i)                  Horsepower
(ii)                Time to till one hectare.

(c)    Write general energy equation. With specific reference to internal combustion engines, find an expression for energy change of a constant volume process.
(d)   Define or explain briefly the following :
(i)                  Torque rise
(ii)                Power factor

(e)   Write down the following :
(i)                  Minimum wind velocity for working of a windmill.
(ii)                Material used to make solar cells
(iii)               Upper safe exposure level to noise for continuous operations
(iv)              Furrow opener suitable for mulching
(v)                Main combustible constituent of biogas

2.        (a) Describe type of furrow cross-sections obtained while using:
(i)                  Mouldboard ploughs
(ii)                Disk ploughs
(iii)               Indigenous ploughs

                                                           (b) Explain with the help of a diagram, the working principle of fuel supply. Write importance of a fuel mixture and air cleaner.
                                                    (C) Describe some common motor troubles and their remedies. Give points of considerations for the selection of electric motors.

3.       (a) Suggest improved farm machines to harvest (i) Maize   (ii) Wheat,   (iii) Potato   (iv) Napier grass, (v) Lucern,   (vi) Jowar (Sorghum). Explain the reasons for your recommendations.
(b) Explain with the help of a diagram the working principles of fuel supple. Write importance of a fuel mixture and air cleaner.
                                                            (C)  With a neat sketch, describe the construction of a DC generator. How does it differ from that of a DC motor?

4.       (a) Describe various devices used in seed metering. How is the seed metered in –
(i)                  A seed drill;
(ii)                A planter;
(iii)               The seeding attachment of the cultivator?
(b)   A farmer has to harvest 2.5 hectares of grass by means of a 2m mower being operated at 4 kmph. How much time it will take to harvest the same if the field efficiency of mower is taken as 80 per cent? Explain the terms registration and alignment as applied to the cutter bar of a mower, and state how these adjustments are done.
(c) Describe the construction and operation of a shunt motor starter. Draw a diagram of all its internal connections’.

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