Monday 16 March 2015


Time allowed: three Hours                          maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and Any Three of the following questions selecting at least ONE question from each section.

5.       Write on any four of the following in about 150 words each:
(a)    Principles of control of plant pests and diseases
(b)   Methods of preserving fruits and vegetables.
(c)    Significance of climatic actors n crop production
(d)   Compatibility of pesticides with rhizobial inoculants
(e)   Nutritive value of vegetables in human diet

6.       Distinguish between:

(a)    Arid zone horticulture and Commercial horticulture
(b)   Ornamental gardens and Gardening
(c)    Seed dormancy and Verbalization
(d)   Seed treatment and Seed certification

7.       Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each:
(a)    Biological control of plant pests and diseases
(b)   Food policies and their trade significane
(c)    Physiology of seed development
(d)   Transpiration and water economy

8.       Comment on the following statements in about 150 words each:
(a)    Private and public seed agencies play a significant role in quality seed production.
(b)   Application of breeding methods depends on the mode of reproduction of the crop under consideration
(c)    Processing and preservation industry for fruits and vegetables has tremendous scope of expansion in India.
(d)   Close linkage between scientific approach to crop production and the timely field feedback (Lab. To Land Concept) is essential to attain production targets.

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