Monday, 30 March 2015


                               Time allowed:  3 hours   maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt all questions.
1.       Answer any three of the following (about 150 words each)
(a)    Biodiversity enriches life. Discuss.
(b)   Illustrate the procedure of self-grown bladder transplant.
What are the merits of such organic growth?
(c)    What is relative humidity?  Explain
(d)   What is e-waste? Explain.
(e)   Explain plate tectonics.

2.       Answer  any one of the following (about 150 words):
(a)    Discuss the current position of president’s rule under Article 356 of the constitution of India.
(b)   State the essential features of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005.

3.       Answer any toe of the following (about 150 words each):
(a)    What is the main provision of the right to Information Act, 2005?
(b)   State the implications of 73r Amendment Act empowering the panchayat Raj institutions in India.
(c)    What are the functions of Minorities commission?

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