Saturday, 14 March 2015


                  Time allowed: three hours     Maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the following questions selecting at least ONE question from each Section.


1.       Write on any four of the following in about 150 words each:
(a)    Biogenic sedimentary structures
(b)   Granulitic facies
(c)    Dott’s classification of sandstones
(d)   Metamorphism of calcareous sediments
(e)   Chatoyancy and asterism

2.       Write short notes on:

(a)    Miller indices and parameters
(b)   Amphibole group of minerals
(c)    Uniaxial and Biaxial minerals
(d)   4ˉ 3 m

3.       Write detailed notes on the following:
(a)    Igneous structures citing suitable examples
(b)   Metasomatism
(c)    Eclogite facies

4.       Define sedimentary environments,. Explain in detail, various parameters which control depositional environments.


5.       Write on any four of the following in about 150 words each:

(a)    Oxidation- Reduction potential
(b)   Neyveli lignite deposits
(c)    Principles of seismic methods of exploration
(d)   Comminution and sizing
(e)   Important global environmental impacts due to human activities

6.       Write notes on:
(a)    Iron ore deposits of India
(b)   Diamond deposits of India
(c)    Metamorphism plays vital role in formation of mineral deposits
(d)   Sedimentary ore deposits

7.       Write a detailed account on the various methods of mining used in alluvium placer deposits.

8.       Write explanatory notes on:
(a)    Thermodynamic potential equations
(b)   Core of the earth is Self Exciting Dynamo
(c)    Groundwater quality criteria for drinking water
(d)   Chemical fertilizers and pesticides as biological hazards

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