Saturday 7 March 2015


 Time Allowed: three Hours             maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question form each Section.


1.       Write short notes on any FOUR of the following in about 150 words each:-
(a)    Peroxisomes
(b)   Amphidiploids
(c)    Polygenic inheritance
(d)   B- chromosomes
(e)   Tests of significance

2.       (a) Describe briefly various structural changes in chromosomes.
                              (b) Explain the different types of aneuploidy

3.       (a) Give a concise account of cytoplasmic inheritance
                             (b)  Explain the biochemical and molecular basis of mutation.

4.       (a) What is heterosis? Explain the various theories of heterosis.
                              (b)  Explain hybridization as a method of plant breeding.


5.       Write short notes on any FOUR of the following in about 150 words each:-
(a)    Water potential
(b)   Senescence
(c)    Endemism
(d)   Acid rain
(e)   Testing for seed viability

6.       (a) Explain C₄ photosynthetic carbon pathway.
                             (b) Explain the biochemical changes that occur in photo system I and photo system II of photosynthesis.

7.       (a) What are Auxins? Explain the physiological effects of Auxins.
                             (b) Explain the uses of plant growth substances in Agriculture and Horticulture.

8.       (a) Explain the concepts and dynamics of Community.
                            (b) Describe the characteristics of different categories of Aquatic ecosystem.

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