Tuesday 10 March 2015


  Time Allowed: Three Hours           maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question form each section. If any data is considered insufficient, assume suitable values.


5.       Answer any four of the following:

(a)    What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the proportional, integral and derivative control actions?
What are their characteristic effects on the closed loop response for a process?

(b)   Explain briefly the essential elements of a computer controlled process system.
(c)    What is reverse osmosis? How can it be used for the separation of a solute from an aqueous solution?
(d)   What is molecular distillation? With a near sketch describe the working of a molecular distillation unit.
(e)   Discuss how wind load is taken care of in the design of a tall vertical vessel.

6.       (a) Illustrate the principle of separation of gases by using non- porous membrane.

(b) Discuss about electrolytic regeneration of mixed bed ion exchange resins.

(c) Explain the process of diffusion dialysis and mention its allocations.

(d) What are absorption and extraction type separation processes? Illustrate them with examples.

7.       (a) Discuss how to find the frequency response of a proportional + integral controller.
(b) Explain how a strain gauge is used for pressure measurement.
(c) Illustrate the process of feed forward control.
(d) Write a relationship that will give the molar or specific enthalpy of a multicomponent liquid at temperature T, with known composition for N components. What are the principal control considerations that affect the scope of mathematical modeling of a chemical process?

8.       (a) Illustrate the method for the design of a conical head of a cylindrical pressure vessel.
(b) Discuss abut major loads and subsidiary loads that must be considered for the design of a pressure vessel.

(c)  What are skirt supports? Discuss he method for calculating the thickness of a skirt support.
(d)  Discuss the method for calculating the thickness of the shell of a thin wall pressure vessel.

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