Friday 20 March 2015


                 Time Allowed: three Hours     Maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and nay THREE of the following questions selecting at least ONE question from each Section.


1.       Answer any FOUR of the following:
(a)    Find the first –order rate constant for the disappearance of A in the gaseous reaction 2 A →R, holding the pressure constant, the volume of the reaction mixture starting with 80% A decreases by 20% in 3 min.
(b)   A solution contains 50% benzene, 30% toluene and 20% xylene by weight at 100˚C. The vapours are in contact with the solutions. Calculate pressure and mole % composition of liquid and vapour:

Component                   vap. Pressure at                        MW       
                                       100˚C, in mm Hg  

Benzene                              1340                                        78
Toluene                               560                                           92
Xylene                                  210                                         106                    
(c)    Show that the internal energy of an ideal gas is a function of temperature only.
(d)   For adiabatic batch reactor, derive an expression to determine the time required to achieve a desired conversion.
(e)   Define Bubble point and dew point. Explain in detail how to calculate bubble point or dew point of given binary mixture.

2.       The elementary reaction A +B →R + S are effected in a setup consisting of a mixed reactor into which two reactant solutions are introduced following by a PFR. A large enough of excess of B is used so that the reaction is first order w.r.t. A. it is proposed to reverse the order of two units. How does this change affect the conversion?

3.       A high purity limestone is burnt in a lime kiln which is fired externally with a coal containing.75. 5% C, 5.5% H, 1.6% N, 1.1%S, 7.6% O and rest ash. The stack gas analysis is 20.2% Co₂, 7.1% O₂ and rest N₂.
(a)    Kg limestone burnt/ kg of coal:
(b)   Excess air used for combustion.

4.       One mole of an ideal gas initially at P₁ and T₁ is compressed reversibly and adiabatically till the pressure is P₂ and then it is called at constant volume to the initial pressure, finally the gas is restored to the initial state through an isobaric process, Calculate the work done by the process.

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