Wednesday 18 March 2015


                      Time allowed: Three Hours    Maximum marks: 200
Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any Three of the following question selecting at least ONE question from each section.


1.        Write short notes’ on any four of the following in about 150 words each:

(a)    Synovial joints
(b)   Antineoplastic chemotherapeutic agents
(c)    Colisepticaemia in calves, lambs and kids
(d)   Cytoplasmic cell inclusions (pigraments and pathogens)
(e)   Edible  casein, its standards (BIS) and manufacturing method

2.       Classify placenta. Describe vascular supply and functional structural relationship.

3.       Discuss the comparative aspects of the protocol for the caesarean section in dog and cow.

4.       (a) Describe the constraints in the transfer of technology with practical solutions.
                                (b)  Discuss the structure, composition and nutritive value eggs.


5.       write short notes on any four of the  following in about 150 words each:
(a)    Heart sounds and murmurs
(b)   Equine infectious anemia
(c)    Diagnosis and control of paratuberculosis
(d)   Microbial spoilage of eggs
(e)   Adulteration of meats and its detection.

6.       Discuss the patho- epidemiology and Zoonotic risks of listeriosis. Describe clinical signs, lesions, diagnosis, treatment and control of this disease in goats.

7.       (a) Describe the collection and preparation of tissues for histopathological examination, step- wise.
                               (b) Discuss the disease profile and diagnostic plan of various forms of hypomagnesaemia tetany in ruminants.

8.       (a) Describe the theories of churning in butter manufacture.
                              (b)  Write down definition, standards (PFA) and detailed method of manufacture of recombined milk.

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