Friday 13 March 2015


Time allowed: Three Hours                        Maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the following questions selecting at least ONE question from each section.


1.       Answer any FOUR  of the following (answers should not exceed 150 words in each case):

(a)    Differentiate between the following (Give examples and diagrams wherever necessary):-
(i)                  Zoospore and compound Zoospore.
(ii)                Obligate and facultative parasites.
(iii)               Ascospore and auxospore
(iv)              Archegonium and carpogonium.

(b)   Write short notes on:-
(i)                  Heterocyst in blue green algae.
(ii)                Interferon.
(iii)               Plurilocular sporangia in Ectocarpus.
(iv)              Heteromorphic life cycle in Phaeophyceae (Give a diagrammatic Sketch)

(c)    Write short notes on:-
(i)                  Thallus of Penicillium
(ii)                Thallus structure of Saprolegnia.
(iii)               Alternation of generations in slime molds (Pictorial Presentation of life cycle)
(iv)              Cleistothecium in erysiphe.

(d)   Answer the following:
(i)                  Gametophytic phase in Laminaria
(ii)                Munisipal waste treatment by anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms.
(iii)               L.S. of sporocarp of Marsilea (Labelled diagram only)
(iv)              Cultivation of edible mushroom (Volvariella sps.) steps leading to sprouting of basidiocarp.

(e)   Write notes on:-
(i)                  Control of Viral diseases of plants.
(ii)                Economic importance of Diatomaceous earth.
(iii)               T.S. of Equisetum stems (Diagram only).
(iv)              Nucule of Chara.

2.       (a) With the help of labeled diagrams only, show the evolutionary trend in the steles of pteridophyta.

(b)Write an account of the importance of bacteria in soil fertility.

                                3. (A) Discuss the morphological nature of rhizophore of selaginella. Draw a neat labeled diagram of T.S. of rhizophore.
         (b)  With the help of diagrams, describe the structure of Marchantid antheridophore.

4.        Draw neat labeled diagrams of the following:

(i)                  Anatomy of Equisetum cone.
(ii)                Cross- section of the gametophystic thallus of Riccia.
(iii)               Life cycle of Ectocarpus- (Pictorial presentation only)
(iv)              Structure of prothallys of Adiantum.

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