Saturday 7 March 2015

Geology – 2004, Paper –I, SECTION –A, SECTION –B

                      Time Allowed: Three hours                    maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory and three of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each Section.

1.       Write critical notes, within 150 words each. On any four of the following:
(a)    Earthquake belts
(b)   Interpretation of geomorphic cycles
(c)    Electromagnetic spectrum
(d)   Stress ellipsoid
(e)   Superposed deformation

2.       What do you understand by the term isostasy?  Describe the geological processes that lead to isosotatic imbalances.

3.       Discuss:
(a)    Role  of geomorphology in mineral prospecting
(b)   Application of remote sensing in geology

4.       Discuss the nomenclature of folds based on attitudes of fold axes and axial planes.

5.       Write critical notes, within 150 words each, on any four of the following:
(a)    Natural selection
(b)   Facies concept in stratigraphy
(c)    Artificial groundwater recharge
(d)   Significance of microfossils in oil exploration
(e)   Geological factors of relevance in the construction of bridges

6.       Discuss the evolutionary trends in Ammonoids and their utility in biozonation and correlation of strata.

7.       Explain:
(a)    Chronostratigraphic classification
(b)   Triassic system of Spiti 

8.       Discuss:
(A)    Classification of aquifers
(B)   Geological considerations in relation to selection of construction material

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