Wednesday 18 March 2015


                        Time Allowed: Three Horus     maximum Marks:  200

Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any Three of the following question selecting at least ONE question from each section.


1.         write short notes on any FOUR of the following in not more than 150 words:-

(a)    Greenhouse gases and global warming.
(b)   NPN utilization in cow and pig.
(c)    Apparent digestibility and true digestibility
(d)   Mendelian principles.
(e)   Biological  methods used  for feed utilization

2.       (i) What are the colostrums? Give its compositions. Describe significance of feeding colostrums to newly born calves.
               (ii) Discuss feeding of dairy animals in natural calamities what precautions should be taken to overcome scarcity of feed and fodders?

3.       What is a balanced ration? Formulate a ration along with concentrate mixture for a cow having 400 kg body weight and yielding 12 kg milk of 4.0 percent fat based on protein and energy requirement.

4.       Describe the following :
(a)    What is growth? Give chemical composition of animal body at different stages of growth.
(b)   Physiology of egg formation in poultry.
(c)    Give composition of frozen semen. How A.V. is prepared?
(d)   Micro and Macro climate.


5.       Write short notes on any FOUR of the following in not more than 150 words:

(a)    Osteomalacia and osteoporosis
(b)   Breed synthesis with examples.
(c)    Oectrus cycle and its role in animal production.
(d)   Factors affecting semen production and quality preservation.
(e)   Protein and energy requirements during different stage of growth in chicken broilers.

6.       Discuss various systems of breeding with their merits and demerits. Which system is suitable for India dairy animals?  What breeding system should be used for producing draught animals?

7.       (i)  Describe current, status of feeds and fodders availability and requirement in India in terms of quantity and quality.
               (ii)  A farmer wants to start a dairy farm with 15 lactating buffaloes and their followers. Calculate the requirement for land, capital, building, feed and fodder.

8.       (i) Discuss the role of carbohydrate and fat as sources of energy.
                     (ii) Discuss the role of water and minerals in animal body.

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