Saturday 7 March 2015


                    Time allowed:  Three Hours      maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory and THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each Section.

5.       Answer any four of the following (Answer  should be within 150 words in each case):
(a)    Describe the following:
(i)                  Conifer wood
(ii)                Polyembryony in Gnetum
(iii)               Latex
(iv)              Endothecium

(b)   Distinguish between the following:
(i)                  Nuclear and Cellular endosperm
(ii)                Green and Black tea
(iii)               Aril and Caruncle
(iv)              Stomata and Lenticels

(c)     Write notes on:
(i)                  Kranz anatomy
(ii)                NPC system
(iii)               Fruit of black pepper
(iv)              Indian Botanical Garden

(d)   Write what you know on:

(i)                  Male  germ unit
(ii)                Embryo development in Paeonia
(iii)               Classification of angiosperms by Armen Takhtajan
(iv)              Floral characters Asclepiadaceae
(e)   Describe the following:

(i)                  Distribution of gymnosperms in India
(ii)                Cyathium
(iii)               Bennettitales
(iv)              Orchidaceae in India

6.       Answer the following (Draw  labeled diagrams wherever necessary):
(a)    What are the diagnostic floral features of Brassicaceae?
(b)   Describe male gametes of Ginkgo biloba.
(c)    Why jute is considered a labour –intensive crop?
(d)   What are the structural features of guard cells which help in opening and closing of stomata?

7.       Write short notes on:
(a)    Interxylary phloem
(b)   Bird-pollinated plants
(c)    Role of synergids in double fertilization
(d)   Diagnostic features of family Euphorbiaceae

8.       Mention the botanical name, family and the part(s) used for each of the following:
(a)    Cashew
(b)   Nutmeg
(c)    Kenaf
(d)   Oil palm
(e)   Vetiver oil
(f)     Cork
(g)    Annatto
(h)   Vetiver oil
(i)      Belladonna
(j)     Ginger

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