Monday 16 March 2015


Time allowed: time Hours   Maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the following questions selecting at least ONE question from each Section.

1.       Write short notes, not exceeding 150 words each, on any FOUR of the following:-

(a)    Cropland ecosystem
(b)   Green manuring
(c)    Green- house effect
(d)   Training  and Visit (T & V) programme
(e)   Energy plantation

2.       (a) What are the harmful effects of weeds?
(b)  Elucidate some traits of weeds which distinguish them from cultivated crops.
(C) Why do selective herbicides kill only target weeds and not the crop plants?
(d)  Enlist the advantages of integrated weed management.

3.       (a) What is the role of nitrogen in rice plant? Enumerate different types of losses of applied fertilizer-N from submerged rice soils.
(b)  How can N- use efficiency be increased under submerged paddy field condition?

4.       (a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of intercropping?
(b) Discuss “alley cropping” and its advantages.


5.       Differentiate between the following pairs in not more than 150 words each. Attempt any FOUR

(a)    Sodic and saline soils
(b)   Reserve and protected forests
(c)    Halophyte and hydrophyte
(d)   Disinfection and disinfestations
(e)   Law of diminishing return and Law of equimarginal return.

6.       (a) What is dry land agriculture and why is it important in India?

(b)  What are major problems of dry land agriculture?
(c)  Enlist dry farming practices being followed under dry farming conditions in India.
(d) Suggest any five inter-croppings being followed under dry farming conditions in India.

7.       (a) Name the different categories of farm labourers in India and enlist their problems.
(b)  Suggest measures to improve lobour efficiency on a farm in India.

8.       (a) Define agriculture marketing and enlist the problems being faced in marketing of agriculture produced by the farmers in India.
(b)  Suggest measures to improve agricultural marketing in India.

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