Tuesday 31 March 2015


                            Time Allowed: Three Hours   Maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt Question no. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question form each Section.


1.       Write critical comments on any four of the following, each not exceeding 150 words:
(a)    Allelopathy effects of weeds
(b)   Problems of dry land agriculture
(c)    Effect of mulching
(d)   Integrated nutrient management system
(e)   Benefits of crop rotation in intensive cropping

2.       What do you mean by watershed management? Discuss the important steps to be considered in integrated watershed management.
3.       (a) Define Intercropping System. Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of intercropping system. Support your answer with suitable examples.
(b) Which are the pre-requisites of successful intercropping?  System?

4.       (a) What are the important physical and chemical properties of soil?
(b) State the important factors responsible for soil formation and explain effects of climate on soil formation.


5.       Differentiate between the following pairs in not more than 150 words each, attempt any four.
(a)    Partial and complete budgeting
(b)   Selective and non-selective herbicides
(c)    Saline and alkaline soils
(d)   Surface and sub-surface drainage
(e)   Organic and Conventional farming

6.       Define the term training. Give basic principles of training and explain in brief its need for extension worker.

7.       (a) What do you understand by social forestry? State the advantages of social forestry.
(b) Explain the characteristics of different problem solid. Suggest the ways for reclamation of problem soils.

8.       Discuss the scope of micro-irrigation in Indian Agriculture. State the types of micro-irrigation and explain merits and demerits of drip irrigation system.

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