Monday 9 March 2015


Time Allowed: Three Horus                 Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Questions I and 5 which are compulsory and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each Section.


1.       answer any four of the following (answer should no exceed mote than 150 words for each question)
(A)   What is the criterion to select number of clones and their deployment in plantation forestry?
(B)   How willow cultivation is life line in cold desert areas of the country?
(C)   Describe storage behavior of recalcitrant seeds and name seven tree species producing seeds of this category.
(D)   Why does forest plantation fail?
(E)    Describe the storage methods of recalcitrant seeds and name seven tree species fall under this category.

2.       (a) Discuss the term site quality and describe the basis of its classification.
(b)What are the different uses of vegetative propagation? Name the five different examples of topophysis.

3.       (a) Describe briefly clear felling system with its merits and demerits.
      (b) Write the importance of mangrove forests and methods of rehabilitation of degraded mangrove forests.

4.       Describe the silviculture of any FOUR species:

(a)    Gmelina arborea.
(b)   Cedrus deodara.
(c)    Santalum album.
(d)   Populous spp.
(e)   Tectona grandis.


5.       Answer any FOUR of the following (Answer should not exceed more than 150 words for each question):-
(a)    Describe the different methods of plus tree selection in uneven aged forests.
(b)   Explain about water pollution and methods of their control with main emphasis on phytoremediation.
(c)    Suggest practical methods for the reclamation of saline and alkaline soils.
(d)   What do you mean by ethnobotany, its importance and practice in nature conservation by tribal people?
(e)   Write a note on Environmental Impact Assessment.
(f)     Why the provenance testing is pre-requisite before taking genetic improvement of any given species? How it can be done?

6.       (a) Describe the role of NGOs in JFM with special reference to biodiversity conservation. Justify with suitable example.
     (b)    What do you mean by shifting cultivation and improved fallows and its management under agroforestry system?

7.       (a) Describe the basis of land classification in brief for watershed management.
       (b)    Explain the importance and different ways of carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystem.

8.       Write notes on any FOUR of the following:
(a)    Importance and types of heritability. How it can be increased?
(b)   Specific combining ability and its utility in tree improvement.
(c)    Breeding value.
(d)   Acid rain.
(e)   Selection for several traits.
(f)     Hybrid vigour and its utility in tree breeding.

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