Friday, 13 March 2015


Time Allowed: Three Hours            maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt ALL questions


1.       Answer any THREE of the following (about 150 words each):

(a)    What are genetic disorders? Illustrate with a few examples.
(b)   Discuss certain unique properties of water.
(c)    What are DNA chips? What are their applications?
(d)    What are man materials? What are their applications?
(e)   Discuss the process of heating and cooling of atmosphere.

2.       Answer any one of the following (about 150 words):

(a)    Enumerate the recommendations of the Constitutional review commission.
(b)   What is E- Governance? Explain.

3.       Answer any TWO of the following (about 150 words each):
(a)    What are the Directive Principles of State Policy?
(b)   Discuss the role of National Human Rights Commission in India.
(c)    Evaluate India as a Secular state.


4.       Answer any THREE of the following (about 100 words each):
(a)    Distinguish between Troposphere and Stratosphere.
(b)   What are tides? State their importances.
(c)    What is an atoll?
(d)   What is insulin?

5.       Answer any THREE of the following (about 100 words each):

(a)    Vegetation is the index of climate. Explain.
(b)   Why do the herbivores and the carnivores co-exist in forest ecosystem?
(c)    Distinguish between lunar eclipse and solar eclipse.
(d)   What are ocean currents? State the uses of ocean currents.
(e)   What are the major characteristics of the troposphere?

6.       Answer any THREE of the following (about 100 words each):

(a)    Give an account of the Tamil as classical language.
(b)   Discuss the Constitutional reforms of the Luck now Pact 1916
(c)    What is Contingency Fund of India?
(d)   What for is Writ Quo Warranto?
(e)   What for is writ Habeas Corpus?

7.        Answer any THREE of the following (about 100 words each):

(a)    Evaluate the role of Swaraj Party in the freedom struggle.
(b)   What is LOk Adalat?
(c)    What is Vote on Account?
(d)   Examine the political significance of the POONa Pact.

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