Tuesday 10 March 2015


                   Time Allowed: Three Hours                    maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Questions I and 5 which are compulsory and any THREE of the remaining Questions, selecting at least ONE questions from each section. If any data is considered insufficient, assume suitable values. Newton may be converted to kg using the equality 1 kilonemwton (1kN) = 100 kg, if found necessary.

1.       Answer any four parts:

                                        (a)     Explain briefly the role of C₂S, C₃S, C₃A and C₄AF compounds on the properties of concrete.
                                        (b)   Discuss the following with respect to chain and compass survey:

(i)                  Selection of survey stations
(ii)                Selection of survey lines
(iii)               Taking offsets
(iv)              Recording the field book

              (c)   State the necessity and objects of highway planning. Write the advantages of preparing Master-plan of a road.
              (d) Discuss the requirements of an ideal permanent way
            (e)  Explain the following terms:

(i)                  Activity
(ii)                Event
(iii)               Total Float
(iv)              Free float

2.       (a) Compare:

(i)                  Wheel Tractor with Crawler Tractor
(ii)                Power shove with Hoe

          (b) What is creep? What are the effects of creep? Discuss various preventive measures that can be taken.
Which portion of track is more susceptible to creep?

           (c) (i) How is a phototheodolite different from an aerial camera?

(iii)               Write a short note on photomaps and mosaics
(a)        Calculate the optimum cost and optimum duration for the jobs of network given in the table. Indirect cost is Rs. 1000 per day.

Time days
Cost Rs.
Time  days
Cost Rs.

3.       (a) Explain briefly the importance of time, cost and resources in planning and management of construction projects.
                                (b) Explain the terms:
                                       (i) Defects I timber
                                       (ii) Decay of timber
                        (iii)Seasoning of timber
   (iv)              Preservation of timber

         (c) (i) Explain the method of introducing sperelevation on a curve.
              (ii) Using practical method of design, calculate the superelevation required on horizontal curve of state Highway with the following data:

Design speed = 70 kmph
Radius of curve = 200m
(d)  To find out th3e height of a tall building, two ranging rods of height 1.5m and 1.0 m were used. The ranging rods were placed on a line ranged out from the corner of the building such that the distance from the corner of the building to the longer ranging rod was 50 m and to the shorter rod was 60m and the tops of both the ranging rods were in line with the top of the building. Find the height of the building.

4.       (a) State the objects of plastering. Write is brief the different types of plasters that may be adopted for a building.
                               (b) How are highway projects financed? Discuss the role of government organizations and private agencies.
                              (c) Explain Resource allocation.
                             (d) A simple circular curve is to have a radius of 573 m. The tangents intersect at change 35 +50. The angle of intersection is 120˚ and the length of one chain is 30m. Find
                                  (i)  The tangent distance
                                 (ii)  The chain age at the beginning
                                 (iii) The chainage at the end of the curve
(v)                The length of long chord
(vi)              Number of full and sub chords


5.       Answer any four apart:
(a)    Define specific yield and storage coefficient. Differentiate between them.
(b)   State the requirements of good canal lining materials. Discuss how shotcrete and precast concrete lining is carried out.
(c)    How will you estimate the total demand of a city for the purpose of designing a water supply scheme?
(d)   What causes hardness in water? Write various types of hardness in water and explain each of them.
(e)   Define Air pollution and discuss air pollution control methods.

6.       (a) Explain how the yield of an open well can be determined using recuperation test.
                               (b)  Describe in detail the following:

(i)                  Two pipe system of plumbing in buildings
(ii)                A septic Tank
(iii)               A t ricking Filter
(c) (i)  State  preferable combination for a multipurpose reservoir.
(ii)  In a multipurpose river valley project the following data are collected

Gross command area = 0.88 million ha
Non irrigable area =80,000 ha
Intensity of irrigation = 90%
Base period for each season = 120 days
Crop ratio for Rabi and Kharif crop = 100% each
Net duties for Kharif and Rabi crops are 1275 ha/ cumec and 2250 ha/ cumec respectively.
Conveyance losses during each season= 10%
Power required on an average 3 cumecs for the whole year (365 days) , out of which 80% can be diverted into irrigation canals during base period of crops.
Assuming dead storage to be 6 x 10⁷m³ and evaporation and seepage losses from the reservoir to be 5% calculate the capacity of the storage reservoir required in cubic meters.

7.       (a)  explain in detail the step- by – step procedure to rute a flood thorugh a reservoir by any one method.
                                (b)  (i) Discuss energy dissipation with its purpose Enumerate the types of energydissipators.
                                      (ii)  what is the  function of  drainage gallery in  concrete gravity fam?
                               (c) What are the various methods of disposal of domestic solid wastes? Describe the method of composting.
                              (d) A canal is requiring irrigating 20000 ha of Rabi crop (wheat).  The duty is 400 ha per cubic meter per second. Assume side slope of 2:1 and B/D ratio as 6. Taking permissible velocity of flow as 1.0 m/sec determine bed slope using Manning’s formula. Take N= 0.0225.

8.       (a) Explain the various measures to reduce reservoir evaporation and explain them in detail.
                               (b) Explain the design principles of Khosla’s theory.
                               (c) Describe with the help of a flow chart, the various processes involved in sludge treatment and disposal.
                               (d)Find out MPN / 100 ml for the following observations taken on a water sample:

Set no.
Number of tubes in each set
Number of+ ve
Number  of- ve tubes
Vol of sample in each tube

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