Saturday 7 March 2015


                  Time allowed:  Three Hours      maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory and THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each Section.


1.       Answer any four of the following (Answer should be within 150 words in each case):
(a)    Write short notes on the following:
(i)                  Flagellation in bacteria
(ii)                Gram negative cell wall
(iii)               Pathogenic Escherichia coli
(iv)              Transmission of viruses

(b)   Write what you know on the following:
(i)                  Somatic hybrids and cybrids
(ii)                Asexual reproduction in diatoms
(iii)               Thallus structure in Vaucheria
(iv)              Sexual reproduction in Fucus

(c)    Answer the following:
(i)                  What is the role of plasmids in dug resistance?
(ii)                What is the cause of sandal spike? Mention how the disease can be controlled.
(iii)               Why are bryophytes found only in moist habitats?
(iv)              What are the adaptations for effective dispersal of spores of Funaria?

(d)   Distinguish between the following:
(i)                  Mature sporophyte of Riccia and Marchantia
(ii)                Cleistothecia and apothecia in Ascomycetes
(iii)               Sexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas and Volvox
(iv)              Oscillatoria and Anabaena

(e)    Write short note on:
(i)                   Intermodal anatomy in Equisetum
(ii)                Phylogenetic affiliations of blue-green algae
(iii)               Preparation of vinegar
(iv)              Morphological nature of sporocarp of Marsilea

2.       (a) Draw the basic features of cell structure in procaryotic and eucaryotic algae, and explain the important differences in the cell organization.
                            (b)  With the help of suitable diagrams, describe the life history of Albugo. (No descriptions)

3.       (a) Write an illustrated account of the gametophyte and reproductive structures in Anthoceros.
                             (b) Write a short account of the different types of stele found n pteridophytes.

4.       Write short notes on the following (Give suitable diagrams wherever necessary):
                             (a) Applications of plant cell and tissue culture techniques
(b)   Ear cockle of wheat
(c)    Use of micro- organisms in bioremediation
(d)   Algae as food

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