Wednesday 25 February 2015


    Time Allowed: Three Hours             maximum Marks: 300

Candidates should attempt ALL questions


1.       Mention the place where the following are located:
(a)    National geo-physical institute
(b)   Thirumalai naicker Palace
(c)    Armed Forces Medical College
(d)   Bhimbetaka
(e)   Lal bahadur shastri Naitonal Institute of Administration
(f)     School of Artillery
(g)    Naitional mineral development corporation
(h)   Brihadeshwara temple
(i)      Tadoba National Park
(j)     Pasteur Institue.
2.       What do the folloeign abbreviations stand for?

(a)    APPLE
(b)   AWACS
(c)    TRYSEM
(d)   GAP
(e)   ESMA
(f)     CHOGM
(g)    SALT
(h)   ZPG
(i)      SARS
(j)     CAG

3.       What are the following (answer in 1 word or sentence each)?

(a)    Pogonology
(b)   Hajar el Aswad
(c)    Goldbach’s conjecture
(d)   Stockhold syndrome
(e)   Duma
(f)     Track II Diplomacy
(g)    Tantalum
(h)   Vidya – Vahani
(i)      Escape Velocity
(j)     Monecious plant

4.       What are the following famous for (answer in 1 word or 1 sentence each?

(a)    Ian Wilmut
(b)   Saint Thyagaraja
(c)    Alarmel Valli
(d)   Leonardo de  vinci
(e)   Suu kyi Aung San
(f)     Parveen Talha
(g)    Lord William Bentinck
(h)   Michael Schumacher
(i)      B. K. S. iyengar
(j)     Peter Jackson

5.       Why have the following been in the news recently?
(a)    Laxmi Mittal
(b)   Jayant Narlikar
(c)    B. N. Kirpal
(d)   Virender Sehwag
(e)   Norah Jones
(f)     J. K. Rowling
(g)    Shirin Ebadi
(h)   Ajay Devgan
(i)      Soundarya
(j)     Michael Grade

6.       With which games/ sports are the following terms associated?

(a)    Scrum
(b)   Dribbling
(c)    Epee
(d)   Bull’s Eye
(e)   Lob
(f)     Third Umpire
(g)    Fairway
(h)   Scissor
(i)      Regatta
(j)     Clean and Jerk

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