Time Allowed: Three
Hours Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are
compulsory and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE
question from each Section.
Attempt any FOUR questions from the following
(not more than 150 words for each):
normal growing stock. Discuss how normal growing stock from yield table is determined
in a clear felling system.
Discuss the concept of sustained yield in forestry.
Describe the use of aerial photography in
forestry related activities.
Discuss the role of working plan in biodiversity
What is the importance of maps in forestry?
Discus stock maps.
(a) Define the term rotation. Enumerate the
various rotations followed in the stand management and dicuss briefly any two
of them.
Explain the yield regulation by gross area
Describe the principles of point sampling and
list the conventionally used instruments in horizontal point sampling.
(a) Define normal forest. Elaborate the
characteristics of normal forest.
(b) Explain schematically the
exact relationship between C.A.I. and M.A. I. in the forest stand managed under
clear felling system.
(c) What is increment percent?
Show how the increment percent is worked out by using Pressler’s formula.
4. (A)
what are the bases considered in the regulation of yield? List them with at
least one method employed in each one of them.
(b) Describe the various types of maps used
in the working plan.
(c) Discuss the importance of temporary and
fair weather roads in the forests.
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