Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 200
Write short notes on any four of the
following in not more than 150 words:
Feed additives and feed supplements
Vitamin A and Vision
TDN and starch equivalent. Write their relative
What is hay silage and how are they made?
Hormonal control of mammary gland of cow.
Classify mineral required by animals. Discuss
the factors affecting absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Write the
deficiency symptoms of calcium and phosphorus. In dairy animals. Discuss the
role of Vitamin D in calcium and phosphorus assimilation.
(a) Give a critical review of various feeding
standards along with their merits and limitations.
(b) Discuss various methods of measuring feed energy.
Discuss the following:
Structure of female genetalia of a buffalo and
write the function of each organ.
Metabolic disorders due to imbalance feeding.
Give composition of two prominent semen
extenders commonly used.
Milk replacer and calf starter. Give on
composition of each.
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