Time Allowed: Three
Hours Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Questions 5 and 8 which are
compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions selecting at least ONE
question from each Section.
Attempt any four from the following (not more
than 150 words for each):
Explain the drawback of 1894 Forest Policy.
Indicate the formation of resin canal and
extraction of oleoresin.
Explain with diagram, the extraction procedure
of stump.
Discuss the methods involved in the production
of kendu leaves and explain how the leaves and explain how to the leaves are
processed for the market.
Explain how joint forest management is assisting
in forest conservation.
Why seasoning is essential? Indicate general
principles of seasoning.
Explain Forest Act relating to reserve forest
and indicate the benefits of the Act.
How is pulp prepared from bamboo? Explain the
steps for paper production.
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