Thursday 12 February 2015


                               Time Allowed:    Three Hours     Maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each Section.
Assume suitable data if considered necessary, and indicate the same clearly.


1.       Write short notes not exceeding 150 words each, on any four the following:
(a)    Paddy transplanter
(b)   Solar phot-  voltaic Panel
(c)    Smokeless Chulah
(d)   Transformer and Voltage Stabilizer
(e)   Prony-brake dynamometer

2.       (a)   With the help of the sketch, describe the most commonly used fuel supply system of a farm tractor. What improvements will you suggest to achieve a better performance ?
(b) Why power tillers coul nto be popularized  In India farming conditions?
(c) A farmer has purchased a 35 hp tractor for Rs. 2,50.000/- He wishes to use it for custom hiring with a 20% profit on its actual cost of operation .Assuming all reasonable  data, calculate the hourly charges for the tractor.

3.      (a) Describe the method of electricity transmission from the power house to the point of use. Give the major limitations in the rural power supply system and the ways to improve the same.
(b)  What are the precautions to be following during installation, operating & repair of an electric motor on the farm?
(c)  During a motor performance test, following measurements are recorded:
Voltage   = 220 volt;   Current= 12Amp.
Speed = 1440 rpm;   Torque = 12 N-m
Input Power = 2.1 k W.
Calculate the following:-
(i)                  Power factor
(ii)                Horse –power output
(iii)               Motor efficiency 

4.       (a) Describe the safety arrangements for the operator in the following farm- machines:
(i)                  Power thresher   
(ii)                Hand operated chaff cutter
(iii)               Sugarcane crusher
(b)  Describe different types of threshing mechanisms used in crop-threshers. Describe three most commonly used performance parameters of a power thresher.
(c) A 2.4 m wide disc-harrow at km/h speed is ploughing a field 10 cm deep. The measured draft is 450 kg. Calculate the specific draft & draw ber horse power of the implement.

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