Thursday 5 February 2015


Time Allowed: Three Hours        Maximum Marks   : 200

Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each section.


1.       Write short critical notes, not more than 150 words each,  on an four of the following:

(a)    Land capability classification
(b)   Carbon : Nitrogogen ratio
(c)    Crop – weed competition
(d)   Selectivity of herbicides  

2.       What is agricultural drought and what are the major causes for its occurrence? Suggest management practices for late onset of monsoon, early- season drought and mid- season drought.
3.       What is integrated nutrient management? How do you plant for such a system to monsoon season lowland rice crop?
4.       Distinguish between the following:

(a)    Particle density and bulk density of soil
(b)   Water requirement and irrigation requirement
(c)    Intercropping, sequential cropping and relay cropping
(d)   Result demonstration and method demonstration

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