Monday 16 February 2015


                   Time Allowed: Three Hours             Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each Section.

1.       Answer any four of the following :
(Answers should be within 150 words in each case)

(a)    Write what you known on the following :
(i)                  Gametangium of Ectocarpus
(ii)                An illustrated account of nucule of Nitella.
(iii)               Modes of nutrition in fungi
(iv)              L.S. female receptacle of Marchantia

(b)   Answer the following:
(i)                  Flagellate apparatus in Chlamydomonas
(ii)                Outline diagrams showing various parts of pinnate diatoms
(iii)               Auxospore formation in diatoms
(iv)              Strobilus of Sealginella

(c)    Write notes on:
(i)                  Blue-green algae as biofertilisers
(ii)                Types of bacterial culture media
(iii)               Structure of a bacteriopharge
(iv)              T.M.V. (Tobacco mosaic virus)
(d)   Answer the following :
(i)                  Cell structure of Zygnema
(ii)                Importance of diatomaneous earth
(iii)               Economic importance of bacteria
(iv)              Structure of polytrichum capsule

(e)   Differentiate between:
(i)                  Oogonium and sporangium
(ii)                Isomorphic and heteromorphy life cycles
(iii)               Akinete and zygote
(iv)              Strobilus of Lycopodium and Selaginella

2.       (a) With the help of suitable diagrams describe the life history of Oedogonium. (No description)
(b)Write an account of various types of spores found in algae. Give labeled diagrams.

3.       (a) Write an illustrated account of saprophytic phase of anthocerous.
(b)Write a short account of the economic importance of algae.

4.       Write  notes on the following giving suitable diagrams wherever necessary:
(a)    Anatomical structure of Rhynia stem
(b)   Anatomy of Selaginella Root
(c)    Stem anatomy of Equisetum
(d)   Sporocarp of Marsilea

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