Thursday 12 February 2015

Geology ,PAPER – II – 2002 ,SECTION B

Time Allowed: Three Hours      Maximum marks: 200
 Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each Section.


5.       Explain any four of the following in about 150 words each:
        (a)    Hydrothermal cavity filling process and character of ore deposits formed by such a process.
        (b)   Geobotanical prospecting method.
       (c)    Coastal erosion as natural hazard and its preventive measures.
       (d)   Crystal chemistry and its role in distribution of elements.
       (e)   Geology of Gold deposits of Kolar Gold field. Kamataka. 

6.       Write explanatory notes on the following :
       (a)    Genetic classification of ore deposits.
        (b)   Textures and structures of ores.
        (c)    Geology and Potentials of oil and gas deposits of Assam and Gujarat states.
       (d)   Placer minerals and their process of formation.

7.       Describe the following :
        (a)    Surface mining methods.
        (b)   Geophysical logging methods.
        (c)    Sulphide ore beneficiation be froth flotation process.
        (d)   Geological prospecting methods of ores.

8.       Give an account of the following:
        (a)    Mineralogy of meteorites and their types.
       (b)   Entropy and Enthalpy.
       (c)    Landslides – their causes and mitigation measures.
       (d)   Legislative measures for environmental protection in India.

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