Tuesday 10 February 2015


                        Time Allowed: Three Hours    maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each Section.

1.       Answer any four of the following (your answer should not exceed 150 words for each of the sub-section)
(a)    Write short notes on :
(i)                  Virusoids
(ii)                Chemical composition of bacterial cell wall
(iii)               Fungal cell wall
(iv)              Cell wall less bacteria

(b)   Answer the following:
(i)                  What is a zoospore? Mention its function.
(ii)                Define parasite.
(iii)               Write a note on Heterothallism in Fungi.
(iv)              Write a note on Heterotrichous thallus in Algae.

(c)    Explain the following:
(i)                  Paddy blast
(ii)                Red rot of sugarcane
(iii)               Sandal spike
(iv)              Bacterial blight of paddy

(d)   Describe the following:
(i)                  Structure of Funaria capsule
(ii)                 Tetrasporophyte
(iii)               Gemma cups
(iv)              Types of Protosteles

(e)   Write short notes on:
(i)                  Types of sexual reproduction in Fungi
(ii)                Palmella stage
(iii)               Telome theory
(iv)              Tracheids 

2.       (a) Discuss the role of Algae in human welfare.
(b) Give an account of Protoplast culture.

3.       (a) Give an account of sporocarp in Marsilea and add a note on leaf modification into sporocarp.
(b) Discuss abut heterospory and seed habit citing suitable examples.

4.       Describe the following:
(a)    Paraphyses
(b)   Trabeculae
(c)    Totipotency
(d)   Somatic hybrids

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