Friday 13 February 2015


Time Allowed: Three hours      Maximum marks: 200
Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each section. Assume suitable data if considered necessary, and indicate the same clearly.


5.     Answer any FOUR of the following :
       (a)  What are the various raw materials / feed stocks used to produce hydrogen in the manufacture of ammonia?
       (b) What are the various routes to produce VCM? Discuss their relevance to India.
       (c)  How the industrial solid wastes are disposed?

       (d) What is the Environmental (protection) Act 1986? Discuss the provisions under it.
       (e)  What are the various factors taken into consideration in lying out of a chemical plant?

6.     (A) What are the by –products / co-products of sugar manufacture and their uses?
        (b) Sugar plant is an example of total energy recovery concept. Elaborate.
        (c) Describe with a neat flow- chart a modern sugar production plant.

7.     (A) What are the major industrial liquid pollutants (in the effluents)
        (b) List the techniques used for removal of dissolved organic solids.
        (c) Discuss the principle and operation of a Trickle-bed filter with a neat sketch) in liquid effluent treatment.

8.     (a) What is Project Scheduling?
        (b) What is the difference between PERT & CPM?
        (C)  Draw up a typical PERT/ CPM Charts for setting up a medium scale chemical plant.

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