Saturday 21 February 2015


                         Time Allowed: three Hours             Maximum Marks: 200
 Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions selecting at least ONE question from each Section.
Assume suitable date if considered necessary and indicate the same clearly.

5.       Answer any four of the following:
(a)    On the basis of binding energy curve explain why fusion is possible only for low mass nuclei whereas the fission takes place only in heavy nuclei.

(b)   A star converts all its hydrogen to helium, achieving 100 % helium composition. It then converts the helium to carbon via the reaction

⁴₂ He + ⁴₂He + ⁴₂He →¹²₆C + 7.27 MeV
The mass of the star is 5.0 x 10³² kg and it generates energy at the rate of 5 x 10³⁰ W. How will it take to convert all helium to carbon at this rate?

(c)    Indicate the interactions in which the following conservation laws are obeyed or violated:
    (i)                  Hypercharge
   (ii)                Charge conjugation
   (iii)               Isotopic spin

(d)   Calculate the number of nearest neighbors and the packing fraction for an FCC lattice.

(e)   Explain the operation of the following circuit as a gate. Draw the truth table and find the operation carried out by this gate.

6.       (a) What are magic numbers? Discuss the shell structure of a nucleus. How this model is able to explain various properties of nuclei? Discuss the limitations of his model.

                         (b) What is internal conversion? Describe an experiment to determine internal conversion coefficients.
                          (c) What is Mossbauer Effect? Describe an experimental arrangement employed for the study of nuclear resonance scattering. Mention some applications of this phenomenon.

7.       (a) Discuss various symmetry elements of a crystal lattice. Explain why five-fold rotation symmetry is not observed.

                   (b) Consider the motion of electrons in a periodic potential of a crystal lattice. Show that the energy spectrum of electrons consists of bands of allowed and forbidden energies. How are the insulators, semiconductors and conductors discriminated on the basis of band structure?

                 (c) Distinguish between a superconductor and a perfect conductor. Obtain an expression for the frequency of oscillations.

8.       (a) Explain the working principle of a phase shift oscillator. Obtain an expression for the frequency of oscillations.

                          (b) Describe the constructional details of a MOSFET. Draw the drain current-drain voltage characteristics.
                         (c)  A common emitter amplifier using n-p-n transistor is shown below:
Calculate the output signal for an input signal of 1 m V. Explain the functions of (i) 50 µF capacitor across 3 k Ω resistor in the emitter circuit and (ii) the resistors 930 kΩ and 250 kΩ.

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