Friday 6 February 2015


Time Allowed: Three Hours        Maximum Marks   : 200

Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each section.


5.       Write short critical notes, not more than 150 words each, on an four of the following :
(a)    Soil –plant –water relationships
(b)   Irrigation interval
(c)    Soil amendments and conditioners
(d)   Watershed management
(e)   AGMARK standards

6.       Why are certain crop growth stages most sensitive to soil moisture stress? Suggest water management practices for wheat and groundnut crops at times of variable water supplies.

7.       What are the main principles of extension programme planning? Discuss the steps involved in programme planning process.
8.       Distinguish between the following:
(a)    Soil fertility and productivity
(b)   Nitrification inhibitors and slow release nitrogen fertilizers
(c)    Crop rotation and ratoon cropping
(d)   Partial budgeting and complete budgeting

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