Wednesday 25 February 2015


                       Time Allowed: Three Hours             maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt ALL questions


1.       Answer any three of three of the following  (about 150 words each):
(a)    Discuss the impact of genetic engineering in molecular biology.
(b)   Illustrate with examples the different types of biomes.
(c)    Discuss the measures adopted in controlling diseases in plants.
(d)   Explain the concept ‘Continental Drift’. Give supporting evidences.
(e)   What is LASER? What are its applications?

2.       Answer any one of the following (about 150 words):
(a)    Examine the characteristics of good governance’
(b)   “Federal in Structure, the Indian Constitution is unitary in spirit.’ Elucidate the statement and account for its unitary features.

3.       Answer any two of the following (about 150 words each):
(a)    Why do we need Legal Aid as a part of our judicial system? What initiatives have so far been taken to provide legal aid?
(b)   Identify ailments in the election system in India and suggest remedial measures.
(c)    How is the Independence of Judiciary protected in the Constitution of India?

4.       Answer any three of the following (about 100 words each):
(a)    Examine the significance of the Earth Day.
(b)   Explain the significance of the World Environment Day.
(c)    What are the characteristics of rainfall in India?
(d)   What is climax vegetation?
(e)   Distinguish Soaps from Detergents.

5.       Answer any three of the following (about 100 words each):
(a)    Explain chemical weathering.
(b)   Why does rain come in drops?
(c)    What is ‘Trisomy’?
(d)   What are ‘Mango- showers’?
(e)   Explain Anticyclone.

6.       Answer any three of the following (about 100 words each)

(a)    Describe the importance of Nalanda as a centre of learning in ancient India
(b)   What do you know about the Ramakrishna Mission?
(c)    What are the different types of Motions in Parliament?
(d)   Write a brief note on the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India.
(e)   What is constitutional crisis?

7.       Answer any three of the following (about 100 words each)

(a)    Discuss the role of the Indian National Army
(b)   Examine the need for Fast –track courts
(c)    How is the president of India elected?
(d)   Write a note on Cripps mission.
(e)   What is ‘Holography’? What are its applications?

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