Allowed: Three Hours maximum Marks:
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5
which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions selecting at
least ONE question from each Section. Assume suitable data. If considered
necessary, and indicate the same clearly.
Answer any four of the following:
Explain the phenomena of reverse osmosis. Discus
the characteristics of membrane required for this process.
Discuss the failure of vessels based on theory
of plasticity.
Name various types of heads commonly used in
cylindrical vessels, along with their sketches and areas of application.
Determine an expression for frequency response
of a transportation lag. Show it graphically also.
Discuss ratio control and its application in
process industries. Give tow examples.
(a) What is ultrafitration? Discuss the
dependence of membrane permeation rate on applied pressure difference fed
solute concentration and cross flow velocity for ultra filtration.
(b) Discuss low pressure distillation along
with its application in industries.
Explain (i) membrane fouling and (ii) membrane selectivity in separation
processes using membrane.
(d) Explain the working principle of
(a) Explain coate’s theoretical analysis for
bending stress at the head-shell junction of a vessel.
(b) Discuss the design procedure of skirt
supports for vertical vessels.
(c) A
process requires a shell to be designed to contain a working pressure of 200
MN/ m². The shell temperature is 400⁰ C. inside diameter and length of the
shell have been estimated to be 500 mm and 4000 mm, respectively. If carbon
steel having an allowable stresses of 10.40 x 10² MN/ m²is used as material of
construction of the shell, determine suitable thickness of the shell.
(a) What are various devices which can be used
for absolute pressure measurement? Discuss any one of them which can be used
with continuous recording system.
(b) Discuss two important characteristics
of a control valve.
(c) Describe the procedure for the design
of sampled data controller in a system.
(d) How do you find the frequency response of
a PID controller? Explain it.
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