Thursday 12 February 2015


 Time Allowed: three Hours     Maximum Marks: 200
 Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each Section.
Assume suitable data if considered necessary, and indicate the same clearly.


           1.     Answer any four of the following:
                 (a)  Discuss absorption and extraction type separation.
                 (b) Write the design procedure for flat heads.
                 (c)  Explain cathodic protection to prevent corrosion.
                (d) How do you find the frequency response of a PI controller? Explain.
                (e)  With a neat sketch, describe a suitable device for controlling the process outlet temperature of a heat exchanger that uses stream as the heating medium.

         2.     (a) Explain the theory of electrical separations.
                 (b)  Discuss the electo-dialysis and its applications.
                 (c)  Explain the parallel leaf-type ultra filtration module.
                 (d) Discuss on very low pressure distillation conducted industrially for heat-sensitive substances.

        3.     (a)  Discuss the criteria for shell failure based on theory of elasticity.
                (b) Distinguish between External bolting chair and Centered anchor – bolt chair.
                (c)  Name the various types of heads used for closing ends of cylindrical shells, indicating their applications.
                (d) Write the stepwise procedure for determining the standard plate thickness for fabricating a cylindrical shell operating at internal pressure.

      4.     (a)  Explain how strain gauge is used in pressure measurement.
             (b) Discuss the working of an optical pyrometer.
             (c) Derive the transfer unction of an RC circuit. Show that the time constant of an RC circuit is the product of R and C.
             (d) Explain the graphical rules for Bode plots.

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