Thursday 12 February 2015


                      Time Allowed:    Three Hours     Maximum Marks: 200


5.       Write short notes not exceeding 150 words each. On any four of the following :
(a)    Ball- mill
(b)   Septic Tank
(c)    Silage
(d)   Terminal Velocity
(e)   Modem

6.       (a)  Describe common methods of assembling electronic circuits with their merits and demerits.
(b) Describe the working principle, mounting and measuring procedure of a resistance type strain gauge.
(c)  Give the significance of the following (any two):
     (i) Churning of butter
     (ii) Sorting and grading of fruits and vegetables
     (iv)              Homogenization of milk

7.       (a)  Describe any four applications of Microprocessors and Computers in data acquisition and control of Agricultural Engineering Process.
(b)  Design a farm-house for a family of four members, include following features in the desing:
     (i) Floor-plan details
     (ii)  Safe drinking water supply system
     (iv)               Layout of a wastes disposal system

Assume all necessary data.
      (c) One ton cauliflower at 70 per cent moisture content is to be dried to a safe moisture content of 8 per cent. How much water is removed?

8.  (a) give the working principle of a green-house. Describe different uses of a green-house in Indian conditions.
     (b) Describe three most common parameters of a measuring system.
     (c) In a series A.C. circuit connection, an inductance of an 8 ohm and a resistor of 10 ohm are joined together. A current of 6 Amp. Flows in the circuit.
    (i)                  The voltage across inductance , resistance & impedance
    (ii)                Phase angle between current and voltage.

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