Time Allowed: Three
Hours Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are
compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions selecting at least ONE
question from each Section. Assume suitable data, if considered necessary, and
indicate the same clearly.
Answer any four of the following :
Name the principal varnish resins and describe
in brief, the method of production of varnish.
Describe the production of penicillin by fermentation.
Explain the terms: deflagration and detonation,
and distinguish between them.
With the help of neat sketches, describe
adiabatic lapse rate and its effect on different types of plume behavior
Discuss the factors which must be considered in
the design of activated sludge system.
Present a neat flow diagram and describe the
method of production of sucrose from sugarcane. Discuss the major engineering
problems associated with the production of sucrose from sugarcane.
proposed manufacturing plant requires an initial fixed capital investment of
Rupees 5 crores and a working capital of Rupees 1 crore. It is expected that
the annual income will be Rupees 4 crores and the annual expenses including
depreciation will be Rupees 1.2 crores, before taxes. A minimum annual return
of 25 percent before income taxes is required. Income taxes amount to 40
percent of all pre-tax profits. Determine (a) the annual percent return on the
total initial investment after income taxes, and (b) the annual percent return
on the average investment before income taxes, assuming straight line
depreciation and zero salvage value.
(a) Develop mass balance equations for the food
and biomass in a typical activated sludge system.
Define BOD and COD, and explain the methods of
controlling BOD and COD in tannery effluents.
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