Wednesday 18 February 2015


      Time Allowed:   Three Hours              Maximum Marks: 200
Candidate should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions selecting at least ONE question from each Section.


5.       Answer any Four of the  following:
(a)    Agroforestry is called ‘Multiple land use system’, justify.
(b)   What are the merits and demerits of JFM?
(c)    Explain “Wastelands” – suggest suitable economically important tree species for wastelands afforestation.
(d)   How trees are playing a vital role in soil and water conservation?
(e)   Write the names of tree species and their characters in controlling “Noise pollution.”

6.        (a) What is ‘home garden?’ Explain with a model.
               (b) Write a brief account on tree seed technology.

7.       (a) What are the causes and extinguishing methods for forest fire?
              (b) Discuss the tree improvement in teak or Bamboo.

8.       Write notes on:
(a)    Write notes on:
(b)   Rayon
(c)    Beedi leaf
(d)   Clonal orchard
(e)   Mycorrhiza

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