Tuesday 24 February 2015


                                    Time allowed:  3 hours    Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and ay THREE of the remaining questions selecting at least ONE question from each Section.

         5.   Write short notes on any four of the following in not more than 150 words.
a)      Composition of chicken egg along with its labeled diagram.
b)      Current trends in enhancing egg production and poultry meat.
c)       Classify rumen protozoa and give their role in rumenant nutrition.
d)      What are the different common reproductive disorders in Indian cattle and how are they related to lower fertility in females?
e)      Breeding efficiency.

         6.     Classify Indian breeds of goats with examples. Why goat is called poor man’s cow? Name any four exotic breed of goat used for crossbreeding in India.

           7.     (i)    What are the problems associated with dairy farming in India? Discuss them vis-à-vis advanced countries.
                 (ii) How can feed and fodder by judiciously used to achieve optimum production performance under Indian condition?

           8.   Describe the relative digestive physiology of protein, fibre and fat in buffaloes.

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