Monday 9 February 2015

FORESTRY – 2002 , PAPER – 1

                              Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions. Selecting at least ONE question from each Section.


1.       Answer any four of the following:
(a)    Describe monoculture at gene and at species level.
(b)   Compare the silviculture of poplar (Populus deltoids) with Casuarina equisetifolia.
(c)    Discuss the salient features of the management of mangrove forest in India.
(d)   Describe the influence of air and soil temperature the growth of the plants.
(e)   Highlight variations in the selection system of management.

2.       (a)  What do you understand by ‘clonal’ propagation? Maximum gain can be obtained through clonal propagation- Justify.
                    (b)  Discuss the objectives and various coppice systems of forest management.
3.        (a) Describe in detail various coppice systems of forest management.
                      (b) Discuss the forest types of cold desert ecosystems.

4.       Describe the forest types of cold desert ecosystems.
(i)                  Acacia nilotica   
(ii)                Anogeissus latifolia
(iii)               Cedrus deodara
(iv)              Ahorea robusta

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