Time Allowed: Three
Hours Maximum marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory,
and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from
each Section.
In about 150 words each, answer any four of the following:
Dispersion in minerals.
International systems of crystallographic
Heavy minerals studies and their significance.
Mineral phase rule and its applicability.
Crystallization of albite-anorthite system.
Describe the following :
Hexagonal system and its symmetry classes.
Chemical composition and physical properties of
five sulphide ore minerals.
Physical and Optical properties and Chemical composition
of alkali pyroxenes.
Crystal defects and x-ray crystallography.
Explain the following :
Petrography and petrogenesis of Anortthosite.
Petrogenetic significance of any five textures
of igneous rocks.
Migmatites and their Petrogenesis.
Metamorphic facies of contact metamorphism.
Write explanatory notes on the following:
Sedimentary facies and their significance.
Petrography of feldspathic sandstones.
Okada’s classification of sandstones.
Sedimentation pattern of siwalik Basin.
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