Thursday 12 February 2015

Geology ,PAPER – II – 2002

Time Allowed: Three Hours      Maximum marks: 200

Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE question from each Section.


1.       In about 150 words each, answer any four of the following:
         (a)    Dispersion in minerals.
         (b)   International systems of crystallographic notation.
         (c)    Heavy minerals studies and their significance.
         (d)   Mineral phase rule and its applicability.
         (e)   Crystallization of albite-anorthite system.

2.       Describe the following :
          (a)    Hexagonal system and its symmetry classes.
          (b)   Chemical composition and physical properties of five sulphide ore minerals.
          (c)    Physical and Optical properties and Chemical composition of alkali pyroxenes.
          (d)   Crystal defects and x-ray crystallography.

3.       Explain the following :
         (a)    Petrography and petrogenesis of Anortthosite.
         (b)   Petrogenetic significance of any five textures of igneous rocks.
         (c)    Migmatites and their Petrogenesis.
         (d)   Metamorphic facies of contact metamorphism.

4.       Write explanatory notes on the following:
        (a)    Sedimentary facies and their significance.
        (b)   Petrography of feldspathic sandstones.
        (c)    Okada’s classification of sandstones.
       (d)   Sedimentation pattern of siwalik Basin.

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