Thursday 19 February 2015

Zoology – 2003, Paper – II ,SECTION B

Time Allowed: Three Hours   maximum marks: 200

Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory and any THREE of the remaining question selecting at least ONE question from each Section.


5.       Distinguish between any four of the following (each answer may be in about 150 words):
(a)    Glycolysis and Citric acid cycle
(b)   Digestion in stomach and in intestine
(c)    Blastula of frog and of chick
(d)   Metamorphosis in insect and in frog
(e)   Starch and Glycogen

6.       What are enzymes? Explain their characteristics. Give the basis of their classification with appropriate example of each class.

7.       Explain the terms ‘resting’ and ‘action’ potentials Describe how a nerve impulse travels along a neuron mentioning roles of different ion channels and gates.

8.       With suitable examples discuss the roles of cytoplasm and nucleus in the process of early embryonic development.

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