Wednesday 25 February 2015


    Time Allowed: Three Hours             maximum Marks: 300

Candidates should attempt ALL questions


1.       Mention the place where the following are located:
(a)    National geo-physical institute
(b)   Thirumalai naicker Palace
(c)    Armed Forces Medical College
(d)   Bhimbetaka
(e)   Lal bahadur shastri Naitonal Institute of Administration
(f)     School of Artillery
(g)    Naitional mineral development corporation
(h)   Brihadeshwara temple
(i)      Tadoba National Park
(j)     Pasteur Institue.
2.       What do the folloeign abbreviations stand for?

(a)    APPLE
(b)   AWACS
(c)    TRYSEM
(d)   GAP
(e)   ESMA
(f)     CHOGM
(g)    SALT
(h)   ZPG
(i)      SARS
(j)     CAG

3.       What are the following (answer in 1 word or sentence each)?

(a)    Pogonology
(b)   Hajar el Aswad
(c)    Goldbach’s conjecture
(d)   Stockhold syndrome
(e)   Duma
(f)     Track II Diplomacy
(g)    Tantalum
(h)   Vidya – Vahani
(i)      Escape Velocity
(j)     Monecious plant

4.       What are the following famous for (answer in 1 word or 1 sentence each?

(a)    Ian Wilmut
(b)   Saint Thyagaraja
(c)    Alarmel Valli
(d)   Leonardo de  vinci
(e)   Suu kyi Aung San
(f)     Parveen Talha
(g)    Lord William Bentinck
(h)   Michael Schumacher
(i)      B. K. S. iyengar
(j)     Peter Jackson

5.       Why have the following been in the news recently?
(a)    Laxmi Mittal
(b)   Jayant Narlikar
(c)    B. N. Kirpal
(d)   Virender Sehwag
(e)   Norah Jones
(f)     J. K. Rowling
(g)    Shirin Ebadi
(h)   Ajay Devgan
(i)      Soundarya
(j)     Michael Grade

6.       With which games/ sports are the following terms associated?

(a)    Scrum
(b)   Dribbling
(c)    Epee
(d)   Bull’s Eye
(e)   Lob
(f)     Third Umpire
(g)    Fairway
(h)   Scissor
(i)      Regatta
(j)     Clean and Jerk


                       Time Allowed: Three Hours             maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt ALL questions


1.       Answer any three of three of the following  (about 150 words each):
(a)    Discuss the impact of genetic engineering in molecular biology.
(b)   Illustrate with examples the different types of biomes.
(c)    Discuss the measures adopted in controlling diseases in plants.
(d)   Explain the concept ‘Continental Drift’. Give supporting evidences.
(e)   What is LASER? What are its applications?

2.       Answer any one of the following (about 150 words):
(a)    Examine the characteristics of good governance’
(b)   “Federal in Structure, the Indian Constitution is unitary in spirit.’ Elucidate the statement and account for its unitary features.

3.       Answer any two of the following (about 150 words each):
(a)    Why do we need Legal Aid as a part of our judicial system? What initiatives have so far been taken to provide legal aid?
(b)   Identify ailments in the election system in India and suggest remedial measures.
(c)    How is the Independence of Judiciary protected in the Constitution of India?


Time Allowed: 3 hours             Maximum marks: 300
  Candidates should attempt ALL questions:

1.       Write an essay. In about 800 to 1000 words, on any one of the following topics:
(a)    God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
(b)   Some Major Inventions Which Have transformed the World
(c)    The game of Cricket and the Media Hype
(d)   One is not Born a Women, One Becomes a Woman Solving the Problem of Water Scarcity.
(e)   Solving the problem of Water Scarcity

2.       Draft a report for a newspaper on the lack of civic amenities in your locality.

Write a letter to your friend who lives abroad, describing an election scene in India. (Sign yourself as X and do not reveal your identity in any manner.)

3.       Attempt a précis on your own words, reducing the passage of 595 words to no fewer than 200 words and no more that 230 words. Mention the exact number of words used. If the précis is not written in the special précis sheet provided, marks will be reduced.

If you want to do something well, whatever it may be, any kind of work, the least thing, play a game, write a book, do painting or music or run a race, anything at ll, if you want to do it well, you must become what you are doing and not remain a small person looking at himself doing it; for if one looks at oneself acting, one is still n complicity with the ego. If, in oneself, one succeeds in becoming what one does, it is a great progress. In the least little details, one must learn this. Take a very amusing instance: your want to fill a bottle from another bottle; you concentrate (you must try it as a describe filled, the bottle from which hone pours, and the movements of pouring as long as you are only this, all goes well. But if unfortunately you think at a given moment: “Ah! It is getting on well, I am managing well,” the next minute it spills over! It is the same for everything, for everything. That is why work is a   good means of discipline, for if you want to do the work properly, you must become the work instead of being someone who works, otherwise you will never do it well. If you remain “Someone who works” and, besides, if your thoughts go vagabonding then you may be sure that if you are handling fragile thinks, they will break, if you are cooking, you will burn something or if you are playing a game, you will miss all the balls! It is here; in this that works is a great discipline. For if truly you want to do it well, this is the only way of doing it.

Take someone who is writing a book, for instance. If he looks at himself writing the book, you can’t imagine how dull the book will become; it smells immediately of the small human personality which is there and it loses all its value. When a painter paints a picture, if he observes himself painting the picture, the picture will never be good, it will always be a kind of projection of the painter’s personality; it will be without life, without force, without beauty. But, it all of a sudden, he becomes the thing he wets to express, if he  becomes the brushes, the painting , the canvas, the subject, the image , the colours, the value, the whole thing, and is entirely inside it & lives it, he will make something magnificent.

For everything, everything, it is the same. There is nothing which cannot be a yogic discipline if one does it property. And if it is not done properly even taoasya will be of no use and it will lead you nowhere. For it is the same thing, if you do your tapasya, all the time observing yourself doing it and telling yourself” “Am I making any progress, is this going to be better, am I going to succeed?” then it is your ego, you know, which becomes more and more enormous and occupies the whole place, and there is no room for anything else.
What  gives one most the feeling of inferiority, of limitation smallness, impotence, is always this turning back upon oneself, this shutting oneself up in the bounds of a microscopic ego. One must widen oneself, open the doors. And the best way is to be able to concentrate upon what one is doing instead of concentration upon oneself.


         Time Allowed: Three Hours      maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions selecting at least ONE question from each Section.


5.       write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each:

(A)   rejuvenation of old orchards
(B)   Apical dominance and its significance in sugarcane
(C)   Tissue culture and  its application in agriculture
(D)   Control of mango mites and mealy bugs
(E)    Biological control of pests and diseases

6.       Answer the following in about 150 words each.
Discuss the package of practices to be followed in rose cultivation for export under the headings:
(a)    Selection of varieties, propagation and planting
(b)   Structures required for production and packaging
(c)    Water, nutrient and pests and diseases management
(d)   Harvesting, packaging and marketing.

7.       Answer the following in about 150 words each:
(a)    What are the carious constituents of fruits? Discuss their importance in human diet.
(b)   Differentiate between preserve and Candy. Describe the method for making anole preserve.
(c)    Explain the causes of unfruitfulness in fruit crops. Suggest their remedies.
(d)   Describe the temperature induced injuries in field crops. Suggest the methods by which these injuries could be avoided.

8.       Answer the following in about 15 words each:
(A)   Describe plant tissue. Discuss their role in pant growth and development.
(B)   Define the terms diffusions osmotic pressure, turgor pressure and imbibitions. Discuss the factors influencing the osmotic pressure and transpiration in plants.
(C)   Discuss the occurrence and distribution of plant enzymes. Explain their role in fruit ripening.
(D)   Describe cell division and its significance in plant.


Time Allowed: Three Hours      maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions selecting at least ONE question from each Section.

1.       Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each:

(a)    Sun drying and osmo-dehydration of fruits and vegetables.
(b)   Plasmolysis and osmosis in plants
(c)    Role of growth retardants in horticulture
(d)   Landscape gardening and garden architecture
(e)   Use of chemotheraputants for the control of plant diseases.

2.       Answer the following in about 150 words each.
Discuss the novel application of horticultural products in:
(a)    Biodiversity
(b)   Botanical Gardens
(c)    Research, extension and education in relation to knowledge transfer
(d)   International trade and marketing

3.       Answer the following in about 150 words each:
(a)    Define Chimera and its significance in horticulture.

(b)   How the mutants occur in nature? Discuss their significance in field crops.
(c)    What are the limitations for breasting of fruit crops? Name important commercial hybrids developed in sub-tropical fruits through breeding.
(d)   Describe the Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Discuss the principles of dominance.

4.       Answer the following in about 50 words each:
(a)    Define- the integrated Pest Management in agriculture. List four important pests each of sugarcane and cotton, their nature of damage and control.
(b)   Define arid-zone horticulture. Name fruits frown commercially under this condition, their scientific names and important commercial cultivars.
(c)    What are the factors responsible for spoilage of fruits and vegetables during storage? Discuss the methods to minimize this spoilage.
(d)   Define the terms monoecious and dioeciously with examples of fruits. Discuss their significance in breeding.

Tuesday 24 February 2015


        Time Allowed: Three Hours                          Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions selecting at least ONE question from each Section.

5.        Differentiate between  any four of the following:
(a)    Dry land and rainfed farming.
(b)   Farm management and management of farm.
(c)    Types and systems of farming
(d)   Result and method demonstration.
(e)   Successful operation of Farm business.

6.       What do you understand by marginal and small farmers? What problems are coming in the way of adoption of modern technology? Discuss the relevant technology available in agriculture for such a large category of farmers in India.

7.       Define front line demonstration. Discuss the scope and limitations of different media of transfer of agriculture technology to farmers in India.

8.       Write short note on the following:

(a)    Precision agriculture
(b)   Sustainable agriculture
(c)    Integrated weed management( I.W.M)
(d)   Farm records – their scope in India.